People Locator Service Nationwide

We locate the addresses of former employees or people for class action lawsuits. People Locator Service has been successfully locating people for over 23 years.

Our information is real-time so we can locate the person you are trying to locate quicker. Our resources filter out public information.

People Locator Service has a variety of resources available that are not generally available to the public. So we are able to use that information to help us locate a person. People Locator Service is a licensed, insured and bonded private investigation business. We have access to information that is updated versus information that one may otherwise locate on various internet websites. People Locator Service treats those resources as its confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information and does not disclose the sources to its clients. People Locator Service knows how to use those resources to get the latest information available and locate the person our client is trying to locate.

We have many satisfied customers and testimonials that reflect that on our website at Our reputation and success has been earned over the 23 years that People Locator Service has been in business.

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